
New Outdoor Aluminum Bleachers

New outdoor bleachers for baseball

American Athletix just provided some new aluminum bleachers for a Muskegon County School.  The Aluminum bleachers were a hit and some willing parents from the athletic boosters helped keep the cost way down by doing the installation.  American Athletix will be happy to help your schools with new outdoor bleachers like these from National Recreation.  We repair or replace old and unsafe bleachers and provide additional bleachers for growing programs.

In every area, from design, to manufacturing, to installation, American Athletix and National Recreation Systems deliver quality seating system solutions at affordable prices.  The bleachers are manufactured in a nearly 100,000 square feet facility and the location in the middle of the United States allows us ship our quality aluminum bleachers quickly.  Our attention to detail makes sure they are delivered accurately.

Our “Preferred” non-elevated aluminum bleachers are an upgrade from our “Standard” model that include anodized seat plank, double (2) 2″x10″ mill finish foot planks on all rows and riser plank on rows 4 and above. Guardrails are included on all bleacher systems with 5 rows of seating or more. Our 3 row bleachers top seat height is less than 30″ so guardrail and riser are not required to meet building and safety codes.

We also supply aluminum planks with Powder Coated seats. These are available in stock lengths and you can add your team colors with protective powder coat to improve appearance and reduce glare.

From small, tip and roll, bleachers to larger seating systems that include aisles, ADA seating, ramps and stairs we can provide seating based on your specific needs and your building and safety codes.

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