
New Bleachers for Your Gym

SetWidth133-Infinity-ThumbSetWidth133-EDU-Gym-Wood-ThumbSetWidth133-PSM-1This is the time of year when many school districts get serious about new bleachers.  The next new bleacher season will be in the summer of 2016.  The vast preponderance of new bleacher installations happen then and the time to get on the schedule for June, July or August is now.  Even the best of us get a little behind schedule.  Contact American Athletix today and awe can help you catch up.

American Athletix gives schools a great opportunity to compare a new bleacher purchase with a significant upgrade of older bleachers. We will help you figure out the cost, per seat, for any kind of bleacher project you can imagine.  Our Irwin Telescopic Bleachers provide top of the line seating for those in the market for new wood or plastic units.

Here’s where American Athletix is a little different.  We can also provide expert renovations and upgrades to your existing bleachers. If your current seating needs a power retrofit so you can open your bleachers with the touch of a button, then we are people who can price that for you.  We can give you good advice on new aisles, aisle rails and safety end rails.  Anything you can think of for upgrading your old bleachers can be provided by us.

If nothing else, it might be a good time to invite us in to inspect your gymnasium.  We can provide all the information to establish a baseline for your project.  American Athletix is happy to provide you with everything you need to make to make the right decision on one of the most expensive projects in your school district.

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