
How to do a bleacher board inspection

Do it yourself bleacher board inspection—  If you have wooden bleachers you are going to need replacement bleacher boards.  Our advice to you is to “walk the planks.”

It’s pretty straightforward.  Walk each seat and foot board.  Keep your eyes on the board you are walking on.  You are looking for obvious defects and also for the defects you discover with your feet.  When you are walking on the boards, your weight will help reveal cracks in boards that might not be seen otherwise.

Discovering these stealthy cracks can ward off unwelcome surprises.

After you are done walking the seat and foot board planks, do it all over again but this time focus on the riser planks.  If there is a doubt about the riser board lean a little weight on it with your hand. It will help reveal the cracks in the same way as when you walk on the seat and foot planks.

If you want something to help record your findings, just ask us and we will email a bleacher inspection sheet to you.

Let us know if you need a little advice and we would be happy to help with that too. Now, for safety’s sake, go walk the planks. Or call us to do the bleacher inspection for you.

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